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How to Create Ultra-Secure Passwords That Keep Hackers Away

By Devin Kropp, Horsesmouth Associate Editor

With data breaches occurring more and more, it is important to protect personal information stored in online accounts with secure passwords. The majority of passwords do not pass the test. Learn how to create a password that will keep your data safe online.

Passwords on Paper

Would you rather wash the dishes than create a new password for an online account? If you chose the dirty dishes, you are not alone. According to a study by Harris Interactive and Janrain, 38% of those surveyed would prefer doing household chores over creating a secure username and password combination. And when we finally sit down to create these passwords, we don’t seem to be that good at it.

According to Instant Checkmate, 73% of people use the same password for multiple sites. Even scarier, 33% of people use one password for every site they visit.

With weak passwords all over the Internet, researchers at Imperva found that it would take an expert hacker under 20 minutes to break into 1,000 different accounts. That doesn’t leave you with very good odds.

The number of identity theft cases is growing every day, and hackers can gain access to your life by breaking one password. A study done by Javelin Stategy found that one person becomes a victim of a hacked account every two seconds—a total of 13.1 million victims in a recent year.

Chances are, once hackers gain access to one of your accounts, they will be able to gain access to many more accounts by trying the same password or resetting your password if they have broken into your email. Take Wired writer Mat Honan: Once a hacker got into his Apple ID account, his Twitter, iPhone, Mac, and Gmail accounts were all compromised. The hacker went so far as to clear Honan’s hard drive clean, deleting pictures of his child’s first year, which are now gone forever.

But there are steps you can take to make your passwords secure and keep the hackers out.

Password Don’ts

Now you know what not to do. So how do you create a secure password? Let’s say right now your password is “finance.” Let’s go through the steps to take that weak password and transform it into a safe and secure password you can use.

Password Do’s

It is important that you apply these rules to all of your passwords and create new, unique passwords for all of your different logins. It is also suggested that you change your passwords at least twice a year.

Password Services

If the thought of creating multiple secure passwords and remembering them all seems daunting, there are services that can help.

1Password is software you can download that will store your login credentials for each site. After downloading the program, you will be prompted each time you log in to a site to save that password into your 1Password account. Your 1Password account is protected by a master password (the only one you have to remember). In order to access any of your other passwords saved in the software, you must enter your master password to retrieve it.

This program can also generate strong passwords for you, and since you don’t have to remember them yourself, they can be long and almost impossible to remember—making them extremely difficult to hack. All your passwords are encrypted, meaning that even 1Password doesn’t know what they are. If you forget your master password, you lose access to your password list. 1Password does not offer two-factor authentication at the moment, but your registered device is needed to access your password list, which does add more security. The program is available for Macs, PCs, smartphones, and tablets.

Dashlane also uses one master password to store all of your logins. Once you sign up, Dashlane will begin to save your logins for each site that you browse. The next time you visit that site, Dashlane will automatically log in for you. This service can also help you generate strong passwords. Your passwords are encrypted and then decrypted locally, so they are known only by you.

The service also has a multifactor authentication option that adds an extra level of security to your passwords. You can download the basic service for free, or you can get the premium service, which gives you unlimited access to Dashlane on all your devices, including desktop, laptop, smartphone, and tablet. Dashlane is compatible with iOS and Android.

KeePass also protects all of your logins with one master password. The service also protects you from keyloggers. A keylogger is malware that a hacker can install on your devices that keeps track of everything you type, making it easier to hack your accounts. KeePass protects against this through its Auto-Type feature, which automatically pastes your password into the password box of a site. There is an additional plug-in you can install within KeePass to set up two-factor authentication to add more security. KeePass is available for PCs and Macs as well as smartphones and tablets. Best of all, this service is completely free to download and use.

Update Today

An easy way to protect yourself from thieves looking to steal your identity is by creating strong, secure passwords for all of your accounts. Following these tips can help you transform an easily hackable password into a secure password, better protecting your identity and personal information stored online. Don’t let the hackers in—update your passwords today to stay safe.

Devin Kropp is an associate editor at Horsesmouth. She is the co-author of the award winning book, Hack-Proof Your Life Now! and is a co-creator of Horsesmouth’s Savvy Cybersecurity program.